Duke Ellington with Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra
Duke Ellington (pn)
Charlie Shavers (tpt)
George Seaburg (tpt)
Mickey Mangano (tpt)
Gerald Goff (tpt)
Sy Baker (tpt)
Dick Noel (tbn)
Karl De Karske (tbn)
Richard Noel (tbn)
Tex Satterwaite (tbn)
Sid Cooper (as)
Gus Bivona (cl, as)
Bruce Branson (bar)
Bob Bain (gtr)
Sid Bloch (b)
Buddy Rich (dr)
Place of Recording
New York
Date of Recording
14 MAY 1945
Authorized Matrix Number
D5 VB 758
Authority Source
RCA PM 42397
TJD [D5983]
This track also includes a large string and wind ensemble